Al Boqaata, Lebanon

Location: Al Boqaata, Lebanon
Type: dam waterproofing
Size: 500.000 sqm
Solution: BMI Siplast Teranap bitumen geomembrane


The Project
BMI Group technical team worked closely with the construction company to develop a methodology and an installation guide for the project. In February 2019, a large mock-up (3.500 sqm) of the complete system designed by BMI was installed on-site to check its performance under real conditions and to train the local installers. Finally, the solution was approved and the order for 200.000 sqm (the first phase) was placed in May 2019.

Why BMI Group?
The remarkable height of the dam (70 meters) required the execution of specific product tests by a qualified external laboratory to guarantee the water tightness of the geomembrane under the operating conditions. Siplast’s Teranap passed the test successfully, withstanding a pressure of at least 10 bars.
A group of three professional installers was trained at the BMI Academy in Mondoubleau, France, on the application techniques of Teranap TP bitumen geomembrane to ensure the correct installation on site.